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The special story of The Younggrains

The time had finally come. Two years after the Corona pandemic, De Jong family was reunited. Jeroen followed his travel heart and went to Australia. After the border of Western Australia opened we booked our trip and came back with a great idea!

The story continues ...

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Existence between the grain fields

After travelling, Jeroen worked in the grain fields for a long time. He had a good relationship with the owner and wanted to show us the company and the way they work. We wandered through the long grain fields and that is where our idea was born.

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The idea was born ... 

Mother Petra was very impressed by the vast fields and, during a stop, lay down on her belly to capture the unique (non-Dutch) view. This picture remained the topic of conversation during the trip through Australia. What if we could set up an agency to further expand the grain trade between Australia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe? Jeroen from Australia and we from the Netherlands; how nice would that be?


Ready to start!

During our trip to Australia, we worked on a part of the plan, had discussions with the collective of grain farmers in Western Australia and once back home, everything was set in motion. Thanks to our commercial and legal background, we made big steps in no time at all.


The Younggrains have begun! 

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